Install4j 10.0.6 for apple instal
Install4j 10.0.6 for apple instal

Install4j 10.0.6 for apple instal Install4j 10.0.6 for apple instal

"Change Windows file rights" and "Change access rights for a key in the Windows registry" action: Added an "Access mode" property to grant, set, deny or revoke rights. Improved documentation for auto-update functionality and background downloaders "Schedule update installation" action: Added a "Retry inhibition in minutes" property to make the inhibition time between failed installer invocations configurable Unified logging for background updates with the -Dinstall4j.updateLog=true system property for launchers If only a headless JRE can be found on Unix/Linux, force headless mode for the installer Detection if JREs are headless on Linux machines to avoid failures for installers and GUI launchers When building on Linux/macOS, the existing file and directory modes can now be used

Install4j 10.0.6 for apple instal

Configurable Unix desktop file settings for external launchers On Windows, the per-user single instance mode now optionally covers all active sessions Static configuration of file associations and URL handlers for macOS Support for default values for bean properties with a gutter marker for non-default values and a context menu action to reset the default value Undo/Redo functionality for all modifications in the install4j IDE

Install4j 10.0.6 for apple instal